Jul 13, 2008

Dinner at Saaim’s house

Saaim, my colleague from AIESEC, invited me and my friends to have a dinner at his place.

We were very happy to have a chance to visit Saaim’s house and try traditional Pakistani dishes.

I will give you a brief insight on living conditions in Pakistan.

Almost all young people I’ve met live with their families. Family is one of the core values of people in this society. People of one family group usually live together in a house (or several houses located next to each other, in case they have many relatives). When a son is getting married his wife moves to his house. When the son of this son is getting married, his wife is moving to this house too. That’s how family is growing :)

Another interesting fact, people tend to collect all the things that they got from previous generations. For instance, Saaim has a plate which was presented as a gift from his grand parents; this plate is almost 100 years old!

Now, if you have money, in Pakistan you can live purely light-hearted life! You can make everything done for you: hire cook and he will cook delicious food for you every day, hire driver and he will drive you wherever you want, hire a charlady and your house will be clean and shining all day long! I was surprised to find out that some of my friends have never traveled by bus, because they have two cars and a personal driver.

All in all, we had a very good dinner that day at Saaim’s house. We ate biryani, a typical Pakistani dish which is rice with meat and spices (masala); it can be also served with yogurt, to mild the taste. Food is a special theme for one of the next posts :-)

... Look how Menno (The Netherlands) and Jeremy (Australia) are relaxing in the living room!

Thank you, Saaim, for such a warm evening at your place!

1 comment:

Ollie said...

I love briyani so much.. with raita :)
so nice to read your blog entries and remember my days in india..
so many similarities!