Jul 13, 2007


You know, I love exhibitions in the open air!

There is the one opened a month ago in Moscow, Lavrushinsky side street (near Tret’yakov gallery). Young artists paint … benches! There are a lot of them put together one by one on the street! Now I have my favorite ones :)

First time when I came there, some artists were still painting and I was just excited by the beauty of the pictures.

(my friend took pictures:)

Second time the pictures weren’t new for me, so I was thinking about the whole idea and how it can positively influence people’s lives, and suddenly a question popped up in my head:

If I have my own bench on this street, what would I draw on it?

This question became soo interesting and worth thinking about, so I spent my trip home carrying it in my head. So, I came up with some ideas =)

If I have my own bench, I would likely to draw … happiness=)

However, happiness may be different for each of us, thus my bench wouldn’t show exactly what it is (who am I to give answers?). While looking at the picture, everyone would find his/her own answer.

Moreover, I would like that people that are coming to see the bench, find a new idea/thought for themselves every time they see it.

Another point, I would like my bench to be extremely beautiful that no one would ever want to draw something else on it. At the same time, I would like it to be so shiny and nice-looking that everyone would want to sit on it for hours.

It's should not be beautiful for everyone. But a few people would love it and come to see it from time to time.

Finally, it would be a little bit magic. Being near it you would want to join hands. To call your parents. To help your grandfather. To show this bench to your best friend.

It's a luck to have your own bench, isn't it? How much could we say, thus make a little change in people's souls.


Masha said...

I was also going to write a post about benches cause this exhibition touched my heart so much and made me so happy.
I wanna thank you for letting me know about it;)
By the way I found in inet your favourite one with circles (or like I told with buttons;), you have to go to www.lavkimira.com -> gallery - > segments
PS I have your flashka. Should I keep it?

pugovichka said...

Hi Masha!

Are you sure it's the right address? (I had error while trying to connect :(

Anyways, I also thank you for going there with me one more time, because only that day I started to think about the meaning of the whole thing...

PS What are your ideas how my flashka can be more useful instead of just keeping it? :)