Since school years we have been listening to the standard ‘facts’ about Russia. Living conditions are not that high. Political system is too bureaucratic. There is too less care about people.
We have been consuming all this information with a great pleasure, and now every student of economical faculty starts his/her diploma with something like: “Relevance of this topic is proven by the fact that there is a big problem in Russian … sector…” More than half of the news end like in the saying: “They wanted to do it better, but did as usual”. Everywhere on the streets, in cafes, on TV screen people are blaming their country. Is it a flash mob? =)
My parents dream to see me living in Europe, at least working in Moscow for an international company. “We will see how long you are going to stay excited developing Russian economy”, - smile they. Some of my friends would move to another country straight away if they get a lucky chance.
Once I got fed up with such an opinion and applied to the
Summer School for young economists.
If you want to make a change, you should have a clear idea about the current state and possible needs of the country. That’s what I was eager to find out leaving for this seminar which has the theme - “Competitiveness of Russian business on a global market”.
I have been to a lot of seminars, but from this one I expected to gain theoretical knowledge and define my own opinion about the situation in my country.
***Summer School exceeded my expectations!
26 participants is not a big number, but these are the people who want to know reality and challenge perceptions. I have never seen so many questions during the lecture! It must be exciting to be a professor for such auditorium =)
I learned about emerging markets, WTO regulations, modern production systems (e.g. Toyota Production System), global competitive industries and scenarios for Russian economy development till 2020. Besides, we had a project of making a national industry competitive on the market (we took automotive industry), in the end each group presented their solutions for professors.
The most impressive was to find out about 3 scenarios for Russia till 2020 which are being prepared by the Ministry of Economical Development and Trade (Director of the assigned Committee came to us to make a lecture).
Second thing is tourism that is truly the industry of the future: the most competitive will become countries that will create an infrastructure which attracts tourists from the globe (by professor of London School of Economics).
The third one – about successful business by O.S. Vikhansky (very famous Russian professor of management): why do some businesses succeed and some fail?
I had a lot of learning points after his seminar, but was impressed when realized that you are likely to fail if you are using strategies that were successful some time ago! Really, things change so fast nowadays, that you must always create new strategies, new methods, and new ways if you want to succeed.
All these people who facilitated our learning – I am sure – had a strong belief in the future Russian economy, and they transmitted it to us! That’s amazing: good to have knowledge, great to have skills, but that’s an attitude that makes a difference!
***I remember the moment during one of the nights when we talked about what each of us would change in Russia if he/she has a chance. I do remember the feeling of harmony inside me when I was talking about my passion – life and business coaching to help people find what they really want to do in their lives.
I am not afraid to listen to the news and talk about Russia with my parents any more. I know what is a fact and what is an opinion. I believe in the third scenario =) and my abilities to make an impact.
***On the third day we had excursion around Moscow. It seems I was mentally repeating again and again: “Such a beautiful city we live in!” And this is me - almost Moscow citizen for 10 years!! =)
Read more in Russian (with pictures:)