Feb 19, 2007

Training our intuition

Every week we get the economic magazine called 'Sekret firmy' in our MC-office.
Having took one of the issues with me, I found a very interesting article that catched my attention immediately.

I will use the space of this blog to outline the main ideas, as I really want this information to stay in my mind.

The article is about intuition.

First question is pretty clear: "While making business and personal decisions, should we rely on our intuition or our logic?" The answer is almost obvious, they say that intuition doesn't come from anywhere, however it is a result of our experience. Therefore, making a decision, even if we think like 'oh, it's a sign!' or 'I feel I need to do this, not that' we actually compare our past experiences and make connections.

Yet what I was really impressed by in that article is an advice on how to train your intuition.
The main idea is to learn how to connect your inner state with weak signals of external environment.

The author suggest following 3 steps:

1. Learn to describe your inner feelings. You may say: "I feel like a lion" or "I feel like a cat on a sofa". This method helps first to discover yourself and also to choose "whom to be" in a specific situation. For instance, when you are speaking on public informing about difficult situation, you would probably want to be a lion, not a cat on a sofa.

2. Learn to find positive signs of external environment (as you usually have just some parts of information available and known). To practise it you may put a minimum volume on your radio and guess what they say. Another one is to remember objects' bounds on a high speed. Or - to draw the clear some object's bounds when you can't see them correctly.

3. Learn to make a forecast. To do this you should connect your inner feelings to the weak signals - just what I have told about in points 1 and 2. To train this ability, you may guess the end of the story watching a movie or reading a book, finish a picture started by someone else or play improvisation.

It's amazing that we can really train such quality as intuition with these simple methods.

If you are interested, read the whole article (unfortunately, it's only in Russian).


Scott McLean said...

Hi! Privet! I wanted to leave a comment earlier, but I was unable to open the comment section. Kak dela? How are you? Horosho. Sorry I don't have Russian on my keyboard. I know some Russian, and I want to make more friends in Russia. A few years ago, I visited Ukraine and really liked it there. I'll be back to see your blog again.

Have a great week!


Masha said...

Concerning 2nd step in developing intuition, there's nice method where u can combine developing it & learning languages: watch movies or programmes in the language you don't speak. It allows you to make forecasts, understand thinkings of other people and unconsioulsy you start to remember new words.